Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I am Pinning Wednesday

I am Linking up with Kinder Kraziness for "What I am Pinning Wednesday".

As this is my first classroom (I got a full time contract!!!!), I am browsing around and looking for neat ideas that I can use for my classroom. What better place for neat ideas than Pinterest! These are some of the projects that I want to work on for my classroom.

"Where are we?" chart 

These are some of the items I found on Pinterest! What are you Pinning?

Daily 5 in Kindergarten

I have been following these amazing teachers who are doing a book study using Daily 5 in Kindergarten . At first I wasn't sure about how I will use this amazing program in Kindergarten, but after reading the reflections of the Kindergarten teachers, I am sure I can implement some components of Daily 5 in my JK/SK class.

All my students will have their own Reading boxes. Inspired by many amazing ideas from Clutter Free Classroom, I made these boxes using Ikea's file folders. I am using jungle theme for my classroom, therefore, I used animal print scrapbook papers to personalize them. It took me only 5 minutes from start to end to make each of them. I will add name of each student later.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Calendar time in Kindergarten...

I am new to Kindergarten and few weeks ago had a Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) Training. We were asked to rethink few things and among that list was "Calendar Time". I was wondering if you can share what you do  during your calendar time? How long is it? Dos and Don'ts.

While searching on Google I found a post by Ms. Barb. You can find the post here